If I had the choice of creating life like Frankenstein did, I would choose not to.
Creating life for Frankenstein took years of studying the human body and other sciences. Frankenstein did nothing but stay in his room experimenting, keeping him separated from the outside world to create this monster. I would not have the patience for this. Staying in a semi-dark room everyday all day would make me go crazy. Also, my friends mean everything to me and if I stayed home all day I would never get to hang out with them or have any social life.
I believe the only person who has the right to create life is God. I have no right to go creating something that he did not intend to be created. If He wanted it created, He would have created it.
Obviously creating another life form is not on my list of things to do within the next year. I do not have the patience to learn everything needed to know to create life and I do not believe I have the right. Like any other teenager, I like hanging out with friends almost more than anything else. So why would I want to separate myself from the outside world?